Scope And Importance Of Chemistry


There is tremendous amount of scope in the field of chemistry after the completion of the graduation in Chemistry. B. Sc Chemistry is the U.G. degree awarded by many universities in India for the students after the successful completion of their graduation in chemistry. Generally the students specialize in one or more sub disciplines on the basis of their interests and the choice. The graduation in chemistry helps the students to develop their skills in the areas like numerical and computing skill, laboratory skills etc. The graduates have various options for their higher studies. The students can try for masters in reputed institutes and universities. Students can complete their post-graduation in not only pure chemistry but also in applied chemistry, industrial chemistry etc. The chemistry plays important role in the development and growth of industries, therefore students have huge job opportunities in the industries like paints, petroleum, sugar, plastics, pharmaceuticals etc. Usually pharmaceutical, chemical industries, government chemical laboratories and the universities are the important employers who recruit the chemistry graduates. Apart from these students can also be recruited in other fields like forensic science department, agro industries ,oil and gas corporations and even in defense institutes such as DRDO. Candidates can also try for IIT’S, NIT’S and central universities. Those candidates who are interested in research can join for PhD course after completion of PG. They can also go for IISERs for integrated PhD courses if interested. Candidates who are interested in career of teaching field can attend UGC NET exam and join as assistant professor in college or universities.

In short the opportunities in the chemistry are as follows-

Importance :-

Chemistry is vital subject which has significant importance in our day to day life. Chemistry is also known as “central subject “because it correlates different sciences to one another such as physics, biology, geology, environmental science etc. The education of Chemistry plays important role in improving the quality of teaching and research and at the same time it ensures that students are enable with good knowledge to manufacture quality products and services to satisfy the human needs for food, health,care products and other materials . Chemistry includes the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Everything on the planet is made of chemicals. Chemistry helps us to understand how items around us are made. There are many examples in our day-to-day life which involves chemistry. Some of its applications are as follows-

  • Food supply

    Out of the three basic needs of human being the most important need is food. For the survival of the human being the supply of food is necessary. The study of chemistry helps in the preparation of the chemical fertilizers like Urea, Ammonium sulphate etc. which greatly contributed in increasing the yield of crops, fruits and vegetables. Thus the chemical fertilizers are important in catering the growing demand of food for the increased population. Chemistry also helps in protection of the crops from harmful bacteria and insects by the use of insecticides, pesticides and fungicides.

  • Chemistry in Saving the Environment

    With the Knowledge of Green Chemistry we can develop environment-friendly chemicals which help in conservation of nature. Replacement of CFCs in the refrigerators is good example of this.

  • Improvement in Health and Sanitation Facilities

    A large number of life-saving drugs have been provided by Chemistry for the well-being of the mankind. The drugs like taxol and cisplatin are effective in treatment of cancer and AZT is useful against the AIDS. There are many common drugs like Analgesics, Antibiotics, Antiseptics etc. are also prepared by the chemistry.

  • Increase in Comfort, Pleasure, and Luxuries

    a) Synthetic Fibers - Chemistry provides large number of synthetic fibers like nylon, terylene etc. which are easy to wash, dry quickly and resistant to chemicals.
    b) Transportation – All transport vehicles use diesel or petrol as fuel which are all chemical products..
    c) Domestic use articles – By supplying the large number of domestic use articles chemistry has made our homes more comfortable. For example plastics, cosmetics, papers, glass etc..
    d) Entertainment – The entertainment devices like video cameras use films which are made up of celluloid..
    e) Building construction – Chemistry helps in construction of safer homes by furnishing cement, steel etc.

Introduction Of Department

The department of Chemistry is established in 2004 in college. The students of chemistry department are from rural background. So we are bound to make them eligible to sustain academically as well as economically on both the platform. Even though we are culturally developed country, we still need a scientific outlook in all walks of our life. We as a department try to build up the motivation and base for scientific culture.

The Ex. Hon. President of India Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has rightly pointed out that science should be the corner stone of our life.For this our department organizes co-curricular and extra- curricular activities such as quiz competitions, seminars, participatory learning etc.

At the same time our management has inspired us to utilize the infrastructural fully for the progress and betterment of the students. Also management offers us an opportunity to participate in seminars, conference, workshops conducted by the other university and colleges.

Our faculty members are also engaged in doing their research activities. The  Professor & Head Of The Department Dr.S.D.Naikwade, Mr.D.T.Hiwale, Mr.A.B.Harepatil and Ms. Pallavi Sirsat . Some Faculty Members are doing their research work. Last but not the least the students of our department are well known for their academic career, result and their placement is concerned.

Establishment Of The Department of Establishment
1UGF.Y. B.Sc. Chemistry2004 – 2005
2UGS.Y. B.Sc. Chemistry2005-2006
3UGT.Y. B.Sc. Chemistry2006-2007

Teaching Faculty

Sr.noName of TeacherDesignationQualification
1Dr. Sachin Mule.Assistant Professor & HeadM.Sc  B.Ed
2Mr. Palve MadamAssistant ProfessorM.Sc  B.ed
3Mr. Shyam kuwar.Assistant ProfessorM.Sc  B.Ed
4Miss . Kiran ShettyAssistant ProfessorM.Sc  B.Ed
5Miss. Nirgande MadamAssistant ProfessorM.Sc  B.Ed
6Mr. Arun .E. BharadeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc  Net
7Prof. Dr.S.D. NaikwadeProfessorM.Sc  B.Ed Ph.D
8Mr. D.T.HiwaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc
9Mr.A.B.HarepatilAssistant ProfessorM.Sc B.Ed  Ph. D (Appear)
10Ms. Pallavi SirsatAssistant ProfessorM.Sc SET, GATE

Non-Teaching Faculty

Sr.noName of StaffDesignation
    1Mrs.Kunde S.SLab. Assistant

Future Plans