About Botany Department

The department of Botany was established in 2004 as an (B.Sc.) undergraduate department and later,  with affiliation to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. as on non-grant basis. The department has excellent infrastructure facilities and expert staff members in different fields of Plant Sciences. Botany is a sought after subject with vast employment potential both in the Academic and Research fields.

  • Goals

    Our goals and strengths are aligned with those of the Faculty of Science and the University of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.

  • Mission

    To advance knowledge of plants for the benefit of society, the environment and industry, and to train the next generation of plant scientists.

  • Vision

    To be recognized nationally as one of the best Botany departments in the India, dedicated to the highest levels of teaching.

  • Aims

    The aim of the Department of Botany is to produce highly qualified botanists who have a broad knowledge of modern and applied plant science and excellent career prospects.

  • Values

    Fundamental to our success are these essential values.

  • Ethics

    We will behave with the highest level of honesty, integrity and professionalism. Quality: We are committed to the highest quality teaching.

  • People

    We are committed to the development of all our staff and students.

  • Planning

    All decisions will be consistent with our long-term objectives.

  • Unity

    We work as one department to plan and to meet objectives.

  • Safety & environment

    We are committed to a safe and sustainable work environment. We are committed to building on our core strengths in plant environmental science, biodiversity, and molecular and cell biology to maintain our tradition of excellence.


  1. The Department also undertakes fundamental and applied research in plant science and field visits to explore floral wealth and to establish the intricate relations of plant and environment.
  2. Develop knowledge of the life cycle, reproductive, structural, chemical, evolutionary, and anatomical characteristics of photosynthetic and fungal phylla.

Establishment of the department

  1. Sr. No Course Particulars Establishment
    1 UG B. Sc. F. Y. 2004
    2 UG B. Sc. S. Y. 2005
    3 UG B. Sc. T. Y.  2006


Sr. No.Name of the Teaching staffDesignationTenure
1Mrs. Kshirsagar S. P.Assistant Professor and Head2018 to till date


  • Laboratories and classrooms

    The Department of Botany has got sufficient facilities for teaching honours. There are best laboratories and lecture rooms. The laboratories are well equipped to meet the demand of the honours curriculum. The teachers of the department uses teaching aids in the classrooms viz. Charts ,Models, Microscopes, Permanent Slides, Preserved Specimens, Herbarium, Computer & Educational CDs.

  • Computer Facilities

    The Department has its own computer facilites with internet connections in addition to the central computer facilities of the college. Botanic Science Association: The Association acts as the extramural focus of the department. The students can be part of the association even after they graduate from here.

  • Museum

    The museum of the Department of Botany is unique for its collections of various botanical specimens. Here several scientific models, dry and wet preserved specimens of algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, pathological specimens. These are utilized by the respective teachers in a class. Therefore, an interactive method of teaching is built up in the class between the teacher and student. So the museum of this department is updated every year. The botanical museum gives a first-hand knowledge of the subject and this type of a visual aid creates an everlasting impression in the minds of the students.

  • Herbarium

    The herbarium is a pride of the Department of Botany. Each year the students of Botany actively participate in excursion trips and collect various plant species. Some species are kept in the Herbarium after proper treatment. The genera of the same family are kept in the common family cover. The herbarium of Botany Department represents the flora of marathwada regions of India.

  • Departmental library

    Departmental library is a small repository of books (about 59) in the department in addition to the central library. This library is maintained by a teacher of the department who also issue books to the students. The main advantage of the library is that while issuing a book, the students can directly interact with the teachers which they can not avail in the main library. This helps the teacher to keep a track on the student’s progress.

Activities / Best Practices

Botanical Excursion. Botanical excursion is a part of the curriculum for students of Mahavidyalaya. The Department organizes botanical excursions to different phytogeographical regions in Maharashtra for the purpose of studying floral diversity in different natural habitats. In this process, the students become aware of the ecological importance and its interaction with plant community.  In the current academic session, the department conduct botanical excursion to places like Yedshi Ghat (Osmanaad), Sautada (Beed). With the 3nd yr Botany students. Students Seminar. The Department of Botany Organizes Students’ Seminar keeping in mind the process of Microteaching as a learning tool. All the students of this department participate as speakers. Students of 2nd year and 3rd year participated and presented topics what they study in their B.Sc. course.

Future Plans